
A Note From Your Publisher

By Vicki Little, Macaroni Kid Aurora Publisher August 29, 2014
This past month there seems to be a lot of discussion about being kind to others, random acts of kindness, and simply asking what you can do for someone. It was the topic at church, Macaroni Kid National has discussed it, and one of my friends and I were talking about how people often don't even know that they have touched your heart. So I decided to make it a focus of mine.

Sometimes it is easy. I love to help out at the school, so I felt comfortable asking a teacher I don't usually talk to how I can help them. Asking my friends what they needed was even easier. And then one night I went to a Girl Scout's meeting with my daughter and met a very pregnant mom. She was pressing against her belly in the uncomfortable way I remember clearly. So I decided to step outside of my zone and ask this perfect stranger if I could make her a frozen meal for when her baby was born. She said no, her husband said yes, I made two.

And then I heard that someone else was offended by it. Or if not offended they thought I was weird or something. Not sure. I let myself feel self-conscious about it for just the shortest amount of time (okay, maybe a day or two) before I realized that this may be the reason we don't all step out of our comfort zone. No one wants to be talked about. No one wants to be the crazy person. But maybe if we all just tried to "seek first to understand" (something my kids are learning in school) we could see that a little kindness could go a long way in this world.

So take yourself out of your comfort zone this week. Just once. It doesn't need to be a huge random act of kindness. Just ask your neighbor if they need anything. Help out in the classroom, or give your friend a card just to thank them for being who they are. It makes them, and you, feel amazing!

Have a WONDERFUL holiday weekend!

What you will find this week!