
Cotton Candy Craft

Increase creative time and let your kids come up with their OWN projects!

By Vicki Little, Macaroni Kid Aurora Publisher April 10, 2014
In a random moment during lunch with my mom today, my son just blurted out that he would like to make a cotton candy cone. At first I thought he meant literally, since we do have a cotton candy maker. But no, he meant that he wanted to make one that he saw on a My Little Pony show that his sister was watching. He had a blast, it was super simple, and it was also super cute. 7-year-old created AND approved!

  • Sidewalk Chalk
  • Piece of computer or construction paper
  • Tape
  • Cotton Ball
  • Toothpick (optional)

  1. Cut the paper into a 2" square. Roll it up from the corner to make a cone and tape to keep it closed. My son actually cut some extra spots off of the paper so that it worked a bit better for him.
  2. Color one small area on the sidewalk over and over again with a piece of chalk until it has a layer of the chalk dust on it.
  3. Roll the cotton ball in the dust to cover completely
  4. Stick one side of the toothpick into the cotton boll and place inside the cone!

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