
Macaroni Crafts

Play with your food!

August 25, 2010

My son absolutely LOVES to paint. Can't get enough of art in general, but painting is always a treat. But it can also get a little boring. So, every now and again, I like to change things up a bit for him. Plus, this was a good way to get him to explore textures and shapes.

Very simple. Silly simple actually. Get some food! Different sizes and shapes and textures. Hot dogs make great stampers, bread makes fun sponges, spiral noodles are awesome as little rollers, teddy bear cookies make fun shapes, and lettuce is fun to drag across the page. And of course apples and Cheerio's are always fun staples to paint with. I also let my little guy play with the bingo bottles he so loves. I got both the finger-paint and the bingo bottles from Discount School Supply at awesome prices, and if you enter my giveaway, you can get some great paint and supply's for free! My son absolutely loves this activity. Maybe it is because he gets to use something "taboo" to paint with and play with all that fun food. Maybe it is because his creative juices get to flow and he discovers new things to do with the objects in the world around him. Maybe it is because it feels silly to play with food, or maybe just because it is so easy and simple. In any case, I thought I would share it with you so you could do it with your little ones as well.