Whether you travel all the time or are an occasional traveler, you need to be aware that the ID required for domestic travel is about to change. May 7, 2025, that will all change you will need to have what they call a REAL ID. I am sure you are like me asking, isn’t the ID I have already real, well let’s get the details on what is changing and what is expected moving forward.
Your ID (Driver’s License or Identification card) will need to have of the following symbols on the upper corner.
If you do not have one of these images on your ID, you will need an updated ID. Check out the Colorado Motor Vehicle, so you can review the requirements needed to get an updated ID. Mine was as easy as renewing on line and waiting for it to come in the mail. Make sure you check out what you need to get yours updated.
If you are simply looking for more information to understand why this is changing, check out Department of Homeland Security, Real ID. This will go into why this is being changed, based on the 9/11 law that was passed in 2005.
Know that you can travel domestically, with other forms of ideas, which are listed on the TSA website. However, this will be a requirement moving forward, let's go ahead and get our IDs updated!!
Information was acquired from the following website;
Real ID: Homeland Security. U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). https://www.dhs.gov/real-id
This article is sponsored by Kindred Travel Co.