
What do you get when you mix vinegar with an egg?

Macaroni Kid Science

July 9, 2014
Sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it is actually a fun science experiment that is so easy and cheap you and your kids can do it over and over again!

You have probably already heard a lot about the "summer slide", or the learning loss that kids experience in the summer months. This experiment is perfect in helping to alleviate that loss. To work on their writing skills as well as their analytical thinking, make a small journal so that your kids can document everything they observe from the beginning all the way to the end. Be sure to have them include all five senses!

To do the experiment, all you need is white vinegar, an egg, and a glass that is deep enough to cover the egg. A tall glass worked well for us.

  1. Write down your initial observations of both the egg and vinegar.
  2. Simply put the egg in the glass  and cover it completely with the vinegar.
  3. Again write down your observations of what happens when you mix the egg and vinegar. Does it float? Smell bad? Crack? Bubble?
  4. Let sit for 24 hours.
  5. Document what you observe about the egg and vinegar after 24 hours. Gently dump out the vinegar and replace it with fresh vinegar.
  6. After three days, without lifting the egg, again document what you observe. Leave the egg in the vinegar, but replace some vinegar if needed.
  7. After seven days your experiment is complete! You can now touch it gently and pick it up to observe it. The vinegar smell will be enough in itself to remind you...but don't forget to wash your hands!

After you do this, try changing it up a bit with a hypothesis (guess of what will happen) of your own. Does it complete more quickly cold or room-temperature? What happens if you don't change the vinegar, or if you change the vinegar every day? Will another liquid do the same thing? And for extra credit, google WHY this happens.

What you will find this week!