
Macaroni Reads

All you have to do is read

November 3, 2010

Reading aloud to a child is important to their language development and builds a foundation for their future success as a reader. It's a magic moment when a child catches on to the connection between what their parent is reading and the words on the page of a book.    Strong reading skills make everything easier in the education world.  And if your child becomes a strong reader it will in turn alleviate pressure when other subjects may present challenges. Children take to reading eagerly and naturally.   A little encouragement of this natural curiosity goes a long way - and the child does all the real work.  

Read to Your Child Everyday - it's important to be relaxed and unhurried.  If time doesn't permit, bring books along where you go.  Even if children are left to explore the books on their own, the fact that you bring books shows the child the importance of reading to you.  

Read and Re-Read - Be patient and read your child's favorites a few times, especially if they request them specifically.  Kids are new to stories and when something catches them they want to relive it over and over again.  

Read it Right - Take the time to read the story well. Children know the difference. If you read without enthusiasm your child will lose interest and probably feel like he's putting you out. If reading becomes a chore or - worse yet - a source of stress, it will have reverse the desired effect.  

Choosing the Right Book - Take seriously what your child tells you about the books they like. You'll catch on pretty fast to their interests and you'll be able to guide their choices while respecting their tastes. Go to the library together. Let them respond to what they see and let them have a say in the decision.  

Build a Home Library - Think about collecting the classics; you might even discover a forgotten yearning in yourself for a long lost favorite. Give books a place of honor in your home. Teach your children to respect them and care for them.   All you have to do is read.