
Welcome to Aurora Macaroni Kid

Slow down!!!!!!

By Vicki Little April 27, 2011

My husband and I work quite the opposite hours. And we both want to witness all the firsts. There positive thing is that one of us is ALWAYS there for the firsts, even if the other gets jealous. Until today. We both missed a HUGE milestone of our daughter's. Her first potty on the big girl potty.

I was actually working on the newsletter when my son came out of my bedroom declaring that my daughter is getting to be a big girl and should probably learn how to go potty. I told him "pretty soon bud!" Well, apparently I don't know what he knows. Two minutes later I hear "good job, baby girl! You are doing it!" So I go in to investigate what trouble they are getting into.

What do I see but a little girl who took her diaper off and was sitting on the potty grinning ear to ear. It was over. We missed it. What is worse, we had absolutely nothing to do with it!

I know as a parent I should be bragging and feel all proud, but really I feel kind of sad. Not that potty training is my favorite thing in the world by ANY means. But I missed it. I missed the moment. But even more than that, I just don't think I am ready for my sweet little baby to be a big girl. Not yet. Why does it have to go so very fast?

Have a wonderful and event-filled week! Just don't miss any of those big events!